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  Jokes > Dirty jokes : Love at the White House

Love at the White House

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Mr. and Mrs. President come home to the White House after a Democratic dinner party and Mr. President is very tense. Mrs. President feels sorry for him and pours him a glass of brandy. She takes him by the hand and leads him to the fireplace where a fire is crackling beautifully. Mrs. President sits in a chair with Mr. President’s brandy without giving it to him as she unclasps her dress exposing her full supple breasts. She puts her finger in the brandy, swirls it around then rubs the brandy on her nipple. Mrs. President begins to moan softly as her nipples become erect. Mr. President likes what he sees and kneels in front of Mrs. President and gently starts to lick the brandy off her nipples. Mrs. President moans louder as she lays her head back in pleasure. Mr. President moves his hand down to the bottom of her dress and lifts it up to surprisingly find Mrs. President wearing no underwear and her well shaven lips are moist from excitement. Mr. President uses his finger to open her luscious flower and plays with her erect hood while still tonguing her nipples. Mrs. President is squirming with desire. No longer can Mr. President contain himself so he takes out his throbbing member and slowly slides it into Mrs. President’s wetness. Mr. President starts to thrust harder and harder watching Mrs. President’s breasts bounce with every force. Mr. President sucks on Mrs. President’s nipples as he pushes himself inside her deeper and deeper causing Mrs. President to intensely climax. Mr. President becomes ultimately excited by his wife’s climatic moans and peaks with her. As they both reach their zenith together, they hold each other closely. Mr. President stayed inside Mrs. President laying his head on her breasts while he softened. They both kissed each other and exchanged I love you. Mrs. President asks, “How do you feel Mr. President sir?” Mr. President replies,” I feel so good I think I may side with the Republicans.”

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