Purchasing furniture
Computer jokes
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I work as a systems administrator, and part of m job involves answering questions about computers. I generally like my job, but sometimes it gets on my nerves. When people ask me what I find so irritating, this is what I tell them: Imagine that you are a salesperson for Ikea (substitute "furniture store" if you don`t know what "Ikea" is). You get a phone call that goes like this. Customer: I`d like to buy a kitchen table. You: That`s fine; we have many styles of kitchen tables, I`m sure you can find one you like. C: I need one that`s 3 feet by 5 feet and has a butcher block top. Y: Yes, we have a table like that. You can pick it up today. C: OK, how can I get it back to my house? Y: Well, it comes disassembled, so you can just put it on a roof rack. We can loan you a roof rack if you don`t have one. C: But how do get there? Y: We`re just off exit 25 of the Turnpike. Where are you coming from? C: Wait, wait, you`re going way too fast for me. I have a Ford in my driveway, and the keys are in my hand. What do I do next? And, whatever you say at this point, the response is always the same: C: But all I want is a kitchen table! Why does it have to be so *COMPLICATED*!
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