The three women-1
Blonde jokes
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There were these three women. One blonde, one red, and one brunet. They were all about to be shot. One by one. When the brunet came up, the man asked "Do you have any last words before you die?" The brunet said "No." Then the man said, "Ok. Ready, aime..." then before the man could finish the bunet yelled, "Earthquake!" Then everyone ran and so escaped. Then when the red head came up, the man said, "Do you have any last words before you die?" The red head said, "No." Then the man said, "Ok. Ready, aime..." then before the man could finish the red head yelled, "Tornando!" Then everyone ran and the red head escaped. Then when the blonde came up, the man said, "Do you have any last words before you die?" The blonde said, "No." Then the man said, "Ok. Ready, aime..." then before the man could finish the blonde yelled, "FIRE!"
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