The blonde police of
Blonde jokes
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Three blondes are training to be police officers. The man who is training them takes out a picture and asks the first blonde, "What do you notice about the man in this picture?" The blonde says, "He only has one eye!". The man says "No, no, it's a side view." Then he says to the second blonde, "What do you notice about this man?" . The 2nd blonde says, "He only has one ear!". The man says "Hello, it's a side view! Geez!". So the man goes over to the last blonde and says, "What do you notice about this man?" . The final blonde says, "He wears contacts!" The man goes to the FBI computer and looks the man in the picture up - sure enough - he wears contacts! The man says, "How did you know that?" . The blonde says "Well, if he only has one eye and one ear, how can he wear glasses?" .
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