Blonde jokes
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A blonde walked into a hairdresser`s with a pair of headphones on and asked the hairdresser for a haircut - but "don`t touch the headphones o.k.?" "Fine" said the hairdresser - a little taken aback - but happy for the work. Three weeks later, the same blonde returned and asked for another haircut but with the same condition, "Whatever you do ... don`t touch the headphones" "No problem" said the hairdresser who went on to give Her another good cut, considering the restraint. Three weeks later, the same thing happened "and don`t forget - don`t touch the headphones" said the blonde. Well, just as the hairdresser was finished, she couldn`t resist and she just lifted one side of the headphones up. The blonde promptly fell stone dead on the floor of the shop. "Oh my God - I think I`ve killed her" screamed the hairdresser. She picked up the headphones and put them on herself. She heard the strangest thing... "breathe in...breathe out... breathe in...breathe out."
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