Even more blonde q and a
Blonde jokes
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Q: WHAT DID THE BLONDE SAY ABOUT BLONDE JOKES? A: She said they were pretty good, but they might offend some Puerto Ricans. Q: WHAT DID THE BLONDE THINK OF THE NEW COMPUTER? A: She didn`t like it because she couldn`t get MTV. Q: What do UFO`s and smart blondes have in common? A: You keep hearing about them, but never see any. Q: How do you make a blond laugh on Monday mornings? A: Tell them a joke on Friday night! Q: How do you describe the perfect blonde? A: 3 feet tall, and a flat head to rest your beer on. Q: How do you confuse a blonde? A: You don`t. They`re born that way. Q: Why do blondes hate M&Ms? A: They`re too hard to peel. Q: How do you know when a blonde has been making chocolate chip cookies? A: You find M&M shells all over the kitchen floor. Q: What job function does a blonde have in an M&M factory? A: Proofreading. Q: Do you know why the blonde got fired from the M&M factory? A: For throwing out the W`s. Q: Why don`t blondes like making KOOL-AID? A: Because they can`t fit 8 cups of water in the little packet.
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