Ugly man wals into a bar
Bar jokes
Rating : 4.70, 90 votes.
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A very ugly man walks into a bar and says to the bartender, “I‘ll bet you $100 that I can get the next woman to walk into this bar to kiss me.” Seeing how hideously ugly the man was, the bartender took the bet. A few minutes later a very attractive woman walks in and sits at a table near the bar. The ugly man walks over and sits down next to her. A few minutes later the woman leans over and kisses the ugly man on the lips. The ugly man returns to the bartender and collects on the bet. “How did you get her to kiss you?” asked the bartender. “Simple,” replied the ugly man. “I told her that I bet the bartender $100 that I could get you to kiss me. If you kiss me, I’ll split the $100 with you. You see I may be ugly, but I’m not stupid.”
Rating : 4.70, 90 votes.
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