bear hunting
Animal jokes
Rating : 4.87, 30 votes.
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Bill`s all excited about His new rifle. So, he goes bear hunting in Alaska. The first bear he sees is a little brown bear, and he kills it with His first shot. There is a tap on His shoulder, and he turns around to see a big black bear. The black bear says "You`ve got 2 choices. One, I maul you to death or Two, we have sex." Bill bends over for the bear. He`s sore for 2 days, but he recovers and vows revenge. Bill heads out on another trip to Alaska and he finds the black bear and kills him. At that moment there is a tap on His shoulder. A huge grizzly is standing right behind him. The grizzly says, "That was a big mistake. You`ve got 2 choices, Either I maul you to death or we have sex." Bill bends over. He survives, but he`s really hurting and takes quite a bit of time to recover. He`s outraged. Sure enough, he heads back to Alaska and finds the grizzly and shoots him at point blank range. There`s a tap on His shoulder. He turns around to find an enormous polar bear, and the polar bear says, "You don`t really come here for the hunting, do you?"
Rating : 4.87, 30 votes.
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