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One day a man walks into his doctor's office and says firmly, "Doc, I want to be castrated." The doctor, in disbelief, says, "Castrated, are you positive? You do know that once it's done there's no turning back.. You must be totally sure you want this done before you make your final decision." "I've thought this over for a while now, and I'm more than positive I want to be castrated." As reluctant as the doctor was to do this kind of operation, he complied with the man's wishes and castrated him. The next day the man was walking bow-legged down the hall with his drip pan inbetween his legs and sees a man coming down the hall in the same manner he is. He comes up to him and says, "I see you've had the same operation I've had!" The man says, "Yes sir, after 37 years I've decided to finally be circumsized." The man screams, "CRAP! THAT'S THE WORD!"
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