A1 lassy
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A farmer went to town to buy some goods. He stopped at the hardware store and bought a pail and a hammer. He then went to the market and bought a live goose and 2 chickens. He didn`t know how to carry everything but the shopkeeper suggested "put the goose in the pail the hammer in one hand and hold each chicken under you arms. He did this and started to walk home. Soon he saw a beautiful young lass with huge tits bulging out of a low cut dress. She looked lost. He asked "Lassy can I help you, you look lost?" She replied, "I am, I`m looking for my Uncle Mr. Simms. The farmer said, "Why he`s my neighbor, follow me there." So off they went, he was getting tired so he suggested a short cut through an alley. "Why sir, how do I know that you will not force me against the wall and take me once we are alone in the alley?" "Now how can I do that? Don`t you see the goose, the hammer and chickens I carry?" he said. She replied "...well you can put the goose on the ground, the pail over the goose, place the hammer on the pail and I`ll hold the chickens!"
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