50 foot penis
Adult jokes
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There were three guys that went into a penis shop. One guy asked for a new wooden penis, so she gave him one and said "Come back tomorrow and tell me if you`re satisfied." So the next guy comes in and asks for a metal penis, so she gives him one and tells him the same thing. The third guy comes in and asks for a fifty foot penis and she gives him one and says the same thing. So the next day the first guy comes in and says he didn`t like it. He was humping a girl and she got splinters in her. So she says "You can have your old dick back then". The next guy comes in and says he was humping a girl and she kept getting cold so he gave him His penis back. Then he third guy came in and said "I love it" So then he says, "See that girl over there?" he un- zips His pants then goes....."I got her". Editted by Curtis
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