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  Humor stories > Funny stories : Your stars part 3

Your stars part 3

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Hit TV show ‘The X Factor’ is back on our screens giving us all a rare, legitimate chance to laugh at the mentally ill during the audition stages. In this PC berserk world we now live in, such an activity has become scandalously frowned upon so it’s only right to thank ITV for reviving this tragically forgotten pleasure by switching on in your droves. Also coming soon to your screens….Black & White Minstrel Idol!


It’s time to confront your partner about their recent suspicious behaviour - the extra hours spent at work, returning home slightly dishevelled and an unwillingness to make love to you because ‘they’re tired’. Be bold and act first – burn all their clothes and smash their belongings to pieces before confronting them about their infidelity. Do not accept their explanation that they’re doing overtime to pay off all the credit card debts you’ve run up because they love you and want to enjoy a stress free future with you. Ditch them and find someone that accepts you for who you are – a paranoid, insecure, unreasonable, unhinged, spendaholic who’ll do whatever a rubbish fictional astrologer tells them.


A night out with an old friend makes you realise what a hash you’ve made of your life in comparison with theirs. They’ve got a better job, better relationship (including regular sex) and a better car and there’s absolutely no prospect of you improving matters. Take solace from the fact that they had something nasty hanging out of their nostril for the entire evening.


This could be a month to really make something of your life. So go out, find a drug dealer, score some crack and heroin and start developing yourself a habit. This advice may fly in the face of previous wisdom on the subject but just look at Pete Doherty – the moment he starts getting off his face on junk he gets in the papers every day, scoops a couple of top ten singles, makes a bucket load of money and bags himself a super model girlfriend. Just say ‘no’? Just say ‘pass the crack pipe’ more like.

What the hell is going on here? I’m not getting anything for you Aquariusans (or whatever you’re called) this month. Every time I do this chart I just get a sudden urge to rush out and buy a Ford. Bizarre.


DO NOT watch the third programme of the current series of X Factor UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES! Apparently there’s a hopeful who, in a bad light, may resemble myself slightly (but certainly IS NOT) who sings a wonderful rendition of a Brian McFadden song, and after an utterly unjustified mauling from Simon ‘Wouldn’t Know A Singing Psychic Megastar If It Poked Him Up The Jacksy’ Cowell, ends up crying hysterically in the arms of Kate Thornton. Even though that poor unfortunate WASN’T ME (!) I’d like to take this opportunity to tell Simon Cowell that he’s deprived the country of the greatest musical talent since, well, Brian McFadden. It’s your loss Cowell – not mine that bloke that looks like me!!


Loss is difficult for anyone to cope with but please remember the old adage that time is a great healer. Your life may, at the moment, seem emptier than a fridge within the vicinity of Eamonn Holmes, but you must cling onto that light at the end of the tunnel – Big Brother WILL be back on next year.


September- the month that Summer turns to Autumn and a little happiness disappears from our hearts. There’s a chill in the air where once there was glorious warmth. Those bright summer evenings start being lost to dark, depressing ones. The opportunity of the odd cheap thrill disappears as attractive young people start wearing more clothes and Saturday night TV on BBC1 becomes unwatchable as they trot out another appalling flop of a new series in a bid to compete with Ant & Dec and The X Factor. It’s all gone rubbish hasn’t it? Hang on though, it’s not all bad – if you’re a parent, the kids go back to school! Woo-hoo!!


The new moon this month brings with it renewed optimism and with it banishes any doubts you had about certain major decisions you’ve had to make - you were absolutely right not to refuse your best friend’s fianc? when they came on to you recently. Your friend is still on the verge of a breakdown following the death of their mother and would certainly have been in no mood get up to the filthy stuff their fianc? demanded of you. You are truly a wonderful friend, a view they will no doubt endorse when you tell them what you did. I’d leave it a few years before you do though – or perhaps a few decades.


Cancer- terrible name for a star sign isn’t it? Surely if we have to have a sign named after an illness or affliction, it’d be better if it was something less awful - like ‘Ricketts’ perhaps or ‘Thrush’. Mind you, there’d have to be a new symbol to go with it and designing one wouldn’t come cheap. Hang on- got it! We can keep the existing symbol and just change the name to ‘Crabs’. Bingo!


Beware of your short tempered nature and try and keep a perspective on things this month. We’ve all been there and it would be a struggle for anyone to retain their composure in similar circumstances but just remember this – as infuriating as it is, being asked ‘if you want fries with that’ when ordering a McFlurry does not give you the right to get the assistant in a head lock, march them out of the door, drive them to a remote location and force them to watch re-runs of Celebrity Love Island. Sicko!


I see cards - greetings cards. Gifts. A cake-with candles on. It looks like some sort of celebration, perhaps even a birthday celebration. Yes – it’s going to be your birthday! Happy Birthday (except those of you born in August)! God I’m good.

Your stars are available via They are written by a variety of people under the guise of `Alex Barker`. 24-7 London is an online entertainment guide to London, England with a sense of humour.


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