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  Humor stories > Funny stories : To make and break!

To make and break!

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"What is your New Year Resolution?"

This was perhaps the nth time I was asked this question.

Considering the progress we make every year on these resolutions, what kind of. People look at me as if I am some strange creature when I say I do not frame any resolutions. Let us take them as it comes, I feel. What say?

Actually speaking, most of the New Year`s resolutions are all about mental and physical health. A wise voice within, that knows what`s best, which keeps urging us onward, rises with enthusiasm on New Year`s Eve and makes us commit on these resolutions. But as the year passes by, this wise voice disappears and leaves us alone to struggle with these resolutions.

How nice it would be if this voice speaks up all the year round and guide us so that we would learn to listen to it all the time and not just at the turning of the year.

New Year Resolutions are all about analyzing our negative
tendencies and nipping them in the bud, they say. We find that most of the resolutions we make are mostly physical, like reducing weight, or related to lifestyle changes or changes in our habits. When we make these resolutions, we sound as if we are determined to fulfill them all by the end of the year and continue to stick to them through our lifetime. But how many of us make attempts to fulfill these resolutions and come out successful?

The New Year Resolutions has also got its "Top 10" list.

1. Attempt to lose weight.
2. Quit a bad habit like smoking for example.
3. Plan a budget
4. Save or earn more money
5. Look for a better job
6. Become more organized
7. Exercise more
8. Be more patient at work/with others
9. Eat better
10. Become a better person

I would say that eating better is the only easiest resolution in the "Top 10" list, which can be followed with enthusiasm.
If anyone asks me, my take would be "Why commit to such difficult and breakable resolutions? Instead try easy ones like watching more TV serials, eating more food, reading less, take up new habits, and thus resolve to do what you like best, and not try to please others by doing what they want!

Joke apart, it is easy to make or break resolutions. Resolutions are actually made to overcome our negative emotions, nip them in the bud and become more determined and conscious of all our hard work and efforts and reap the fruits out of them. The ideal path is to analyse our weaknesses, make simple and easy resolutions and see that we not only fulfill them but also continue to follow the path till end of life.

Losing weight or finding a better job or any such simple resolutions can be made any time of the year and need not be counted in the New Year Resolutions List.

Instead, if we try to frame resolutions, which will enhance our personality, a determination that help in making the world look at us in a different perspective as a human being who is fully worth living along with a society, doesn’t it sound good?


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