Sit back and remember
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Why is it, that any holiday, time off, or event, someone is sick? Do they plan it that way? I was sitting today, pondering, reminissing, and it came to my attention that every function I have ever attended had at least one of my family members sitting with the sniffles.
I was 7 years old. It was christmas time, and I was sick with my appendix. That was a good one. Is it coincidence? Or is there some greater evil out there that enjoys watching suffering in times of joy. We should find him, and tell him we are NOT impressed.
Timing is everything. There is a point, in every persons life, where everything seems to go wrong, and all you can do is sit there and watch it happen. But maybe it`s a good thing. In fact, if nothing goes wrong, we won`t know what`s right. Perhaps what we need to do is change those tears of helplessness into tears of joy. That would be weird. "I love it when i get Scarlet Fever!" Woops.
Here is a good one. This time, evil chose to be more mean than ever. I will tell you the holiday AFTER I tell you what happened. I had the chicken pox, my youngest sister had the chicken pox, my other sister had scarlet fever, and my parents were sharing the flu. Get this. Thanksgiving. Thats right. Usually at thanksgiving time we go around the table, taking turns saying thanks for whatever you are thankful for. What a task. I was thankful for oatmeal baths!
It`s funny how we are tested in such ironic ways. The outcome of our battles with nature shows what kind of person we can become, but what happens during the battle defines what kind of person we really are.
Feel free to reprint this article as long as you keep the article, this caption and author biography in tact with all hyperlinks.
Tyler Brooker is the owner and operator of Scarlet Fever Symptoms -, which is the best site on the internet for all Scarlet Fever related information.
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