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  Humor stories > Funny stories : Humans are like monkeys

Humans are like monkeys

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Humans think much like monkeys and other primates, not much different in their abilities to reason. Why is this? We mimic, copy, imitate that which we see. This is a common thing that all higher primates do, including us. But if we would stop and think and allow original uninhibited thought to flow without fear of being chastised, cast out, imprisoned, punished, ridiculed or made example of, then we might really come up with some great innovations which would certainly propel mankind to better quality of life and higher standard of living.

We see where Bill Gates in a brain storming exercise allows for the challenging of the flow of new idea, stating “That is the stupidest thing I have ever heard of in my life!” Challenging, the thinker to defend their idea, challenging them to passionately defend their views, debate, thus this gives them the strength of character to go against the norm and continue to come up with new ideas. If the thinker of the thought can defend their position then they have what it takes. It is not often that you find an original thinker with the strength of character to over run the critics, a politically correct society, the thought police and the “Not invented here” fiefdom-ists. But we need to instill people to think.

We need to develop a culture that is based on the thought that young people should never know or expect limitations in life and never be inhibited in the process of thought. We should encourage thinking and the exchange of ideas. We can do this by making sure that our youth can believe in themselves, have confidence in their own abilities, and think for themselves. By doing this we can insure that they are not afraid to think or to communicate these new thoughts.

We can break through the confines of religion, prejudice, economic enslavement, war, education, physical limitations, and government bureaucracy all for the common good and all by simply thinking. All this can be ours if we simply teach people of all ages that it is okay to think, have ideas, "Because one person can change the world." But only if that person believes in him or her self enough to speak up and share their ideas without fear of being outcast. Maybe we need to develop more one-hundredth monkeys and start acting like human beings? Think about it.

"Lance Winslow" - Online Think Tank forum board. If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance;


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