Jokes > Most reviewed jokes : total 650. Page : 1.
A little black boy goes into the kitchen where His mom is baking... |
Category : Ethnic jokes.
Rating : 6.26, 2116 votes.
Reviews : 616
What's the difference between a fag and a refrigerator?A refrigerator doesn't fart when you pull ... |
Category : Gay jokes.
Rating : 4.74, 347 votes.
Reviews : 227
Any similarity between you and a human is purely coincidental!Anyone who told you to be yourself couldn`t have given you worse advice... |
Category : Insults jokes.
Rating : 5.00, 3660 votes.
Reviews : 107
Q: Why do black peole like soup? A: They like to watch the little white cracker drowned... |
Category : Gender jokes.
Rating : 5.17, 227 votes.
Reviews : 96
Several years ago the United States funded a study to determine why the head on a man`s penis is larger than the shaft... |
Category : Ethnic jokes.
Rating : 5.38, 38 votes.
Reviews : 90
Yo mama so tall she tripped over a rock and hit Her head on the moon... |
Category : Yo mama jokes.
Rating : 4.18, 311 votes.
Reviews : 79
A little boy who wanted $100 very badly prayed and prayed for two weeks, but nothing happened... |
Category : Politics jokes.
Rating : 6.25, 69 votes.
Reviews : 65
Yo mama nose so big she makes Pinochio look like a cat!Yo mama nose so big that Her neck broke f... |
Category : Yo mama jokes.
Rating : 3.41, 74 votes.
Reviews : 62
The makers of Viagra are announcing that they have developeda pill to increase vaginal wetness in females... |
Category : Dirty jokes.
Rating : 4.72, 26 votes.
Reviews : 58
And here`s what guys really mean... |
Category : Gender jokes.
Rating : 5.08, 42 votes.
Reviews : 56
Our lager, which art in barrels,Hallowed be thy drunk, (I will be drunk),At home as in the tavern... |
Category : Humor jokes.
Rating : 4.55, 36 votes.
Reviews : 55
10. Why it`s good to have five pairs of black shoes.9. The difference between cream, ivory, and ... |
Category : Gender jokes.
Rating : 4.81, 39 votes.
Reviews : 55
Young Susie was having trouble with Her computer so she called Wes, the computer guy, over to Her desk... |
Category : Computer jokes.
Rating : 5.03, 27 votes.
Reviews : 55
There were these three farmers that wanted to win the state fair contest for having the largest hog... |
Category : Humor jokes.
Rating : 5.23, 26 votes.
Reviews : 54
I finished the Oreo`s... |
Category : Dirty jokes.
Rating : 4.77, 53 votes.
Reviews : 54
*** COPIED FROM A NEWSGROUP POSTING ***(the male author was responding to a woman who accidentallywalked into the men`s restroom):Please don`t feel bad... |
Category : Dirty jokes.
Rating : 5.13, 61 votes.
Reviews : 54
You`re so short that when you sit down on the sidewalk your feet dangle... |
Category : Insults.
Rating : 5.12, 37 votes.
Reviews : 53
The owner of a drugstore arrives at work to find a man leaning heavily against a wall... |
Category : Medical jokes.
Rating : 2.90, 27 votes.
Reviews : 53
A priest, a Buddhist and a rabbi are discussing what eachwould like to be said at their funeral... |
Category : Religious jokes.
Rating : 4.79, 19 votes.
Reviews : 53
`Twas the Month after Chanukah Twas the month after Chanukah, and all through the house Nothing would fit me, not even a blouse... |
Category : Holiday jokes.
Rating : 5.14, 27 votes.
Reviews : 53
pages : 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 ... [>>]
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